Black Sheep farm

Black Sheep Farms is a family owned specialty grower for restaurants and farmers’ markets located in Riverside, California. Edgar, owner of Black Sheep farm, likes to focus on varieties that local restaurant chefs seek. If the chefs haven’t gobbled up all his production, you’ll find specialty items such as mini sweet peppers, watermelon radishes, flying saucer squash and heirloom tomatoes adorning his farmers’ market table.

Transparent Sea

Growing up as an avid fisher in upstate New York, I worked as a fisherman, fisheries biologist, then pursued a master’s degree in aquaculture and ended up spending close to a decade managing aquaculture farms overseas. It was there, I bore witness to the environmental destruction, fraud, and chemical use that affect over most of the shrimp Americans eat today.

Frustrated by what I'd learned, I returned to America with a mission to change the way we eat seafood. I decided to call the project “TransparentSea” because I want consumers to know exactly what and from where their seafood comes form. 

 Today, I’m proud to say that TransparentSea is producing shrimp that is local, sustainable, and of superior quality. Thank you for joining us on our journey to create shrimp that is good for you as it is for the planet.

- Steve Sutton, President of TransparentSea Farm


Local couple Mia and Justin Nguyen have leveled up their backyard mushroom growing operation, Long Beach Mushrooms, in Signal Hill. They started with the simple idea of growing their own food. 8 garden beds, 6 chickens, 5 fruit trees, and 2 worm bins later and they began growing mushrooms out of buckets. The home mushroom farm quickly became more advanced and grew to take over our entire garage. Today, they continue to expand in ways they couldn’t